Resolved! power consumption by STM32H735VGH on full speed ADC configuration
The total power consumption by STM32H735VGH at full speed interleaved mode differential adc configuration?
The total power consumption by STM32H735VGH at full speed interleaved mode differential adc configuration?
I am using the example project from the xcube eeprom v3.0.0 as a reference to add EEPROM emulation to my project using the STM32G431RB. The example project works fine, but my project uses FREERTOS so I have changed my timebase source to a timer. This...
Hello forum and devs!Have one simple question: datasheet of STM32F407ZGT (STM32F40x series) and Cube MX says me, that this MCU doesn't contain USART6_CTS pin, but contain two USART6_CK pins. Is it mistake, and where is USART6_CTS pin?Official datashe...
We have received STMICROELECTRONICS SPC58EG80E5QEC0X, the Terminal Plating is Nickel/Palladium/Gold (Ni/Pd/Au), we see that the terminals look copper finish
Hi! I wonder if the P-divider for the PLL1 on the STM32H743 is allowed to be 1.The reference manual (rev. 8 ) states in figure 47 (section 8.5.5) that only values from 2, 4, ... to 128 are allowed. In the register description (section 8.7.13) however...
Good morning, I have some problems with interrupt priority on the STM32F429.I set up a serial communication on UART1 with this priority// USARTNVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = USART1_IRQn;NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 0;N...
Hi all,I tried to configure timer 14 to generate interrupt every 500 ms . i am toggling an GPIO to measure delay .when put a breakpoint interrupt gets triggered but unable to see waveform in logic analyser of GPIO toggling with delay .My clock freque...
HelloMT48LC4M16A2 is avilable with STM32H735IGT6?I wonder how can I connect pins between two chips?MCU doesn't have pins about MT48LC4M16A2's DQML, DQMH, BA[1:0] etc.
Hello,I'd like to know if there's a way to debug a software running in bank2 of a dual bank flash device, in my case a STM32L476, having the FB_MODE bit set in SYSCTL->MEMRMP register. This would greatly ease tuning the algorithm for flash management...
Hello,I am not really new, but i have a courious problem.I have a STM32F103CBU6 device (new), and started a new C++ Project with STM32CubeIDE 1.13.2 and the STM32Cube FW_F1 V1.8.5 firmware package.I have a external crystal for both (HSE + LSE) and is...