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This morning I got an email from ST which included a section on using VS Code to target STM32 CubeMX projects.This appeals to me since the STM32CubeIDE is seriously lacking in focus from ST. It has looooooong standing bugs which no-one cares about, b...
I'm developing a new project based on STM32G431RB using STM32CubeIDE 14.1.0 on macOSI'm having touble where the program will hang at the first call of HAL_Delay() and digging deeper it's hanging because HAL_GetTick always returns 0It looks like the S...
The recently released STMCubeIDE 14.1.1 for macOS still has a couple of annoying "features"1. The Splash screen is upside down.2. When programming a device, the IDE opens a random .c file for no good reason. 
I would like to build a 5-button remote (RF 868 Mhz) and was thinking of using the STM32G031F6(The RF is provided using an external chip, similar to Si4455)However the STM32G031F6 has only 4 x SYS_WAKEUP pins.Is there anyway to wake up from standby u...
There are a couple of minor issues running Cube IDE 1.13.2 on the latest macOSFirst the "splash" screen during startup gets displayed upside down.Secondly the app appears as "NewApplication" in the menu bar.See this video. 
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