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Forum Posts

ADC2 calibration

Hi,I have a problem with the ADC2 calibration on STM32H743VIT6(V). I use ADC1 and ADC2 in dual mode(Regular simultaneous mode). On some boards the ADC2 calibartion doesn't work. (The ADCAL-Bit in ADC_CR is not cleard after start).On the boards where ...

LKoe by Associate
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STM32 - Flash/Debug algorithms - Application Notes

I am developing my own hardware debugger (SWD based, as a hobby project) for an STM32F0 based board. I have access to the official ARM documentation about the hardware implementation of the SWD debug functionality. This however only mentions the vari...

ACBlue by Associate
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eMMC with SDIO

Hello every one I want to use EMMC instead of SD card with SDIO interface with STM32F407VET6. I have tried SD 1bit and 4bits wide bus. (I am choosing SD to enable FATFS)First I've used f_mkfs to create a File System on the eMMC. It returns FR_OK. And...

l90mehdi by Associate II
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RTOS based Timer (Software Timers)

I am using RTOS based timers in STM32F205VET6, does it have any constraints or restrictions on using RTOS in my project like how will it affect my program ,Any other limitations are given like only this much tasks/timers only we could use...?

AKHIL6 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32C011 OpenBootloader

Hello,I want to use ST's default OpenBootloader that the virgin chips have on board.The pheripheric I wanted to use is the UART1, and on the AN2606 Application note I saw that the pins I need to use are  PA9/PA10, or to be more precise PA11/PA12 sinc...

starivore by Associate II
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STM32L4P5 PB9 pin states in reset

Why does PB9 idle high in reset for the STM32L4P5?  At least I'd like to know this the next time I design a board, where I could find this reference.  Full part is STM32L4P5RET although I'm guessing its the same across multiple parts.

_EFrie by Associate III
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Resolved! Help with integrating tinyusb in STM32CubeIDE

Hello,I have problems with building the cdc_msc example on STM32CubeIDE. My board is STM32F411 blackpill.I have followed the instructions in but get errors when building.Below I will link my entire p...

LLope.31 by Associate III
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lwIP no hostname on DHCP server

Customized hardware with STM32H723 + LAN8740A for MII mode.LWIP Settings:#define NO_SYS 1#define LWIP_DHCP 1 #define LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME 1The DHCP client, UDP and TCP server and ICMP(Ping) are all working fine.But host name didn't show up on DHCP ser...

JYI by Associate II
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