NiPdAu plating looks like copper finish
We have received STMICROELECTRONICS SPC58EG80E5QEC0X, the Terminal Plating is Nickel/Palladium/Gold (Ni/Pd/Au), we see that the terminals look copper finish
We have received STMICROELECTRONICS SPC58EG80E5QEC0X, the Terminal Plating is Nickel/Palladium/Gold (Ni/Pd/Au), we see that the terminals look copper finish
Hi! I wonder if the P-divider for the PLL1 on the STM32H743 is allowed to be 1.The reference manual (rev. 8 ) states in figure 47 (section 8.5.5) that only values from 2, 4, ... to 128 are allowed. In the register description (section 8.7.13) however...
Good morning, I have some problems with interrupt priority on the STM32F429.I set up a serial communication on UART1 with this priority// USARTNVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = USART1_IRQn;NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 0;N...
Hi all,I tried to configure timer 14 to generate interrupt every 500 ms . i am toggling an GPIO to measure delay .when put a breakpoint interrupt gets triggered but unable to see waveform in logic analyser of GPIO toggling with delay .My clock freque...
HelloMT48LC4M16A2 is avilable with STM32H735IGT6?I wonder how can I connect pins between two chips?MCU doesn't have pins about MT48LC4M16A2's DQML, DQMH, BA[1:0] etc.
Hello,I'd like to know if there's a way to debug a software running in bank2 of a dual bank flash device, in my case a STM32L476, having the FB_MODE bit set in SYSCTL->MEMRMP register. This would greatly ease tuning the algorithm for flash management...
Hello,I am not really new, but i have a courious problem.I have a STM32F103CBU6 device (new), and started a new C++ Project with STM32CubeIDE 1.13.2 and the STM32Cube FW_F1 V1.8.5 firmware package.I have a external crystal for both (HSE + LSE) and is...
Hello,I encountered a strange problem while using STM32H563.I tried using TPIU to output trace information.When I access the TPIU register(address:0xE0040000) in debugging mode, it will cause debugging to disconnect.Connection cannot be restored thro...
I'm using an STM32U575 chip with a couple of it's peripherals. I'm trying to get the ADC1 working. It's currently sampling a few pins, but when I read the data, it seems to always be 4095 (max value). Looking into it further, the VREF+ pin is sitting...
I have designed a board based on STM32H743VGT6. This package doesn't have LDO PIN. Which item in CUBEMX i have to choose for power supply? Do I have to connect voltage to VCAP pins?