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STM32F407 I2C INA232 Problem

Hi everyone,I am using STM32F407 to read voltage and current values from INA232 and TCA9548.I have 8 INA232 so I used TCA9548 as I2C Switch.I have coded as follows:1. SET TCA9548 on Port 12. Read the voltage value on INA232 at port 1The result I get ...

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Hoi by Associate II
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ADC calibration issue

Hi , I am trying to calibrate ADC in STM32334R8. But the code is stoping at calibration phase itself. I will attach the initilization code below for your reference.  LL_ADC_Disable(ADC1);LL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin(GPIOC,LL_GPIO_PIN_8);LL_ADC_EnableIntern...

vasudev by Associate II
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Upload .bin files on windowsthrough the USB interface

Hi, I just decided to try mbed OS 6 for programming my NUCLEO-WB15CC. Compilation is successful, but when i try to flash the compiled .bin file, the operation fails saying that a device was not connected even though it was. I am guessing it is becaus...

Elijah1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F44 MCU: Read protection flag not removed

HiI try to implement the read protection on my STM32F44 board based on this example: principle, it works, but I have some strange behavior. My code:if...

Corono by Associate III
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Conditional data watchpoint with debugger or DWT

I've tried both Eclipse and the VSCode Cortex debug plugin to set a conditional watchpoint but both fail (break every access irrespective of value). This I guess is due to OpenOCD not supporting the multiple compare registers in the DWT that are requ...

Resolved! HRTIM,ADC

I am using hrtim to trigger the adc, but if the regular channel is not triggered with hrtim, it doesn't go into the interrupt of the ADC properly, I checked a lot of information and didn't find a solution, here is my code and cubemx configuration: N...

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iskan by Associate III
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Resolved! MDMA and DMA shared memory speed optimization

Hi All,I am using an Nucleo-144 STM32H723ZG.Here I try to use ADC3 to sample data, and save it to a buffer (SRC_Buf) using DMA, which works fine. Then I want to move the data from the SRC_Buf to A bigger buffer using MDMA. I have some callback functi...

elso by Senior
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Resolved! Square Wave Generation on STM32F407

Hi,I am a beginner and I want to generate a 50Hz square wave on STM32F407 on Keil UVision4Please mention libraries etc that are being used and if you can how to add them to Keil UVision so it doesn't give an error.