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Let me start by saying:Yes I know the STM32 Finder exists, no it doesn't help me find what I needYes I've seen this thread but I do not want to get into manually coding a script to try and find parts if I can avoid itYes I have used the CubeMX and no...
Per the title really - I've just tried to install the Linux version on a raspberry pi running Raspbian / Debian 11.7 'Bullseye' and, well, NOTHING happens.If I click 'SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer-2.16.0.linux' nothing happens at all, if I select "execute...
I have an STM32G071CBTx with a rotary encoder wired to GPIO pins PB5 + PB7 (LPTIM1_IN1 and LPTIM1_IN2), but for some reason it will never count down no matter which way the encoder is turned.I have checked the encoder waveforms and they are as expect...
I'm sure I'm missing something here but for the life of me I can't see it.TIM2 CH1+CH2 are in use as encoder inputs but I believe I should still be able to generate a basic PWM output on CH3 at the same time?Code is all generated by Cube IDE and it r...
Is there any way we can actually stop the Cube from deleting pin names just because we change the pin function?I had hoped that "pin locking" would do it but no, if I spent ages naming all the signals on my MCU to line up with my hardware and then re...
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