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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32H563 Flash Erase Program sample fails in Keil

I create sample code for FLASH Erase Program on both mdk arm and stm32cubeide. Using the sample hardware(stm32h563ZITx develop board), the sample code runs correctly on stm32cubeide, but will enter Error hander when doing Flash operation in keil debu...

Ehow by Associate II
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ADC input disturbed by PWM

I'm having an issue with my STM32F303RE. I'm using CubeMX to initialize ADC1_IN1 as single ended on PA0, and PWM generation on TIM2_CH1 on PA15. Unfortunately, PA0 will OUTPUT a voltage roughly proportional with the duty cycle of the PWM on PA15, i.e...

kristblo by Associate II
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Resolved! Enabling USB Device CDC on Nucleo F303ZE

I have a Nucleo F303ZE and enabled USB Device middleware along with the USB 'Device FS' Connectivity.  I also configured the CDC_SET_LINE_CODING and CDC_GET_LINE_CODING  functions in USB_DEVICE/App/usbd_cdc_if.c I connect a USB cable to the STLink co...

LMorr.3 by Senior II
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Regarding PDM to PCM conversion

Hi team, i am using STM32F446 NUCLEO  BOARD WITH MP23DB02M.I refered appnote UM2372I also referd YouTube playlist in your community also.I haven't cleared how to convert pdm to pcm.Please give some block diagram view of the algorithm or code.please d...

EEPROM emulation: working principle

Hello everyone,I'm currently working on an STM32L433 microcontroller and, considering cost and space-saving aspects, I opted to implement an EEPROM emulation library. While I've been going through the related documents, I've encountered a few uncerta...

filogold by Associate
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Resolved! ADC_Sequencer not fully configurable: STM32G0

Can any of the expert share an example of ADC configured in Sequencer not fully configurable mode please?Its hard to find the solution .As the project had predefined prototype I need to sort it out with the configuaration and mandatory to use PA12 (a...

SRAM.11 by Associate III
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Resolved! Get witch line has called Error_Handler(void)

Hi, I'm trying to develop a FW for one of my custom boards that has an ethernet interface.I'm using STM32CubeIDE, I generated the code with the configurator, and without even writing a line of code, if I go into debug, during the initialization of th...

FMass.1 by Associate III
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ADC multichannel DMA

with all your help I tried to change multichannel using DMA but I cant able to read the values can anyone please help ADC_HandleTypeDef hadc1; DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_adc1; UART_HandleTypeDef huart2; /* USER CODE BEGIN PV */ uint16_t mains=0; uint16...

meena by Associate III
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STM32H723ZG Timer1 Source clock

HeyI try to work with the Timer1 in interrupt mode. I saw that Timer1 is belong to APB2 BUS. I configure my source clock to the TIMER1 to 96MHz (picture1),at APB2 Timer Clocks But I saw that the frequency is match to the number on APB2 Peripheral clo...

TOsso.1 by Associate II
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