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I am using the STEVAL-C34KAT2 with the STEVAL-STWINBX1 which is running the software FP-SNSDATALOG2 V3.0.0.Do I need to change anything in the FP-SNSDATALOG2 V3.0.0 software ?Or does the software automatically detect the STEVAL-C34KAT2 board ?Does an...
I am using the STEVAL-STWINBX1 development board with the FP-SNS-DATALOG2 software V2.2.0.When I try to connect using the Python GUI tool, it gets stuck at "Device Template Model Loading"....I reverted back to V2.1.1 and the GUI tool works.Is there a...
I am trying to use the raw data from the 3-axis digital magnetic sensor (IIS2MDC) to get a compass heading, but cannot get it to work.With the STWINBX1 flat on a table, I slowly rotated it 360 degrees starting from north.I then exported the data and ...
I am using the STEVAL-STWINBX1 development board with the FP-SNS-DATALOG2 software.I would like to configure an external interrupt for a digital input, but it appears all 15 external interrupts are being used ?On the schematic, there is a table which...
I am using the STEVAL-STWINBX1 development board with the FP-SNS-DATALOG2 software.I am struggling to configure PB1 as a digital input for an external interrupt (which is on pin 12 of the expansion connector CN1)... I start by opening the .ioc file i...
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