What are the numbers on Alternate functions AF1, AF2, ...?
I cant find any reference to these numbers.
I cant find any reference to these numbers.
Hello, I want to know if it is possible to run web browser on RTOS prefferably on FreeRTOS. I tried the using QT but could not get any lead. Please let me know if you are aware of such browser that can run on RTOS, of at least steps by which I can ru...
Can you people send me the drivers for MAX32664C Sensor Hub slave is MAXM86161 Sensor.If you have. Kindly resolve the issue.
I am trying to access the APS6404 PSRAM with QuadSPI on STM32H743. For some reason, indirect-writes are fine; but as soon as I try an inderect-read (one-line, typical SPI essentially) the communication stalls. By stalling I mean the SR register is al...
Both F407 and H743 ADC input add DC-bias to AC connected inputs, very handy, but I would like to have the specifications for this feature, perhaps even a circuit diagram explaining how the MCU averages the AC input above ground as needed.I have read ...
this is code from an Udemy tutorial but i couldn't get the part of 9 bit data transfer with no parity bit can anyone help me to understand that please
Controller: STM32H743ZIT6Custom BoardSTM32CubeProgrammer, STM32CubeIDEHi, since a few months we have an issue with flashing our Microcontroller application.We are using automatic firmware flashing over DFU-Util on a Linux based system, which is conne...
Hi,Can you please provide the Fats Example code on Stm32f769nih6. regards,Harathi.
Hi,I need microsec/millisec delay in my project but I don't want to effect the process flow.I am using STM32G4.I am using timer for microseconds delay below is the function.void delay_us (uint16_t us){__HAL_TIM_SET_COUNTER(&htim1,0); // set the cou...
Hello,My MCU is STM32L053R8I use freeRTOS project generated by CubeMX.The problem is happening only when I enable tickless sleep. I get only one correct reading, which is probably generated right after MX_RNG_Init. Then after the sleep, I always get...