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Forum Posts

Spi clock is not generated

Hello, I am trying to generate spi clock(100kz) in stm32g473,but desired output not getting in DSO .I tried to change  stm32cubemx configuration then i changed the user code then also not getting desired output.Please help me what changes I needed to...

No TSC option from MCU finder & CubeMX ?

Hi, Dear ST teamSeems I can find filters about ADC/timer/UART..., but no filter for touch sensor?Can we add this for new versions of MCU finder and cubeMX ?, it's useful and important for me Thank you Best regards

allenQ by Associate
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Resolved! Flash erase vs Program Running vs Design Decisions

Hello,On STM32F401 is the HAL flash erase a blocking function? (one flash bank, no RAM functions) FLASH_Erase_Sector(idx, FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_3); It's not explicitly stated anywhere. Datasheet says reading the flash while erasing causes stalling, whi...

mrx23 by Associate III
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Resolved! UART doesn't receive data from HC-06

Hello ! My STM board is STM32-L073RZ. I've had a lot of problem with HC-06, tried to somehow send the command "AT" or "AT\r\n", but I didn't get anything back. The bluetooth wasn't connected to any device because the diode was blinking. - I tried cha...

Xenon02_0-1704552517089.png Xenon02_1-1704552588281.png
Xenon02 by Senior
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Resolved! how do i program STM32C031G4U6 using stlinkv3minie

i have 3 STM32C031G4U6 microcontroller i bought from digikey. no matter what i do i can not program them. i tried a cheap stlink v2 clone as well as stlinkv3minie. i have the swdio, swclk and nrst connected to the microcontroller. no matter what i do...

oyalç.1 by Associate III
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Happy 2024 !

To our valued community around the world, our warmest wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year! Top 3 Contributors and superusers during 2023 for the last 6 months and the new community @TDK with 326 solutions@Tesla DeLorean 151 solution...

STOne-32 by ST Employee
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Resolved! STM32U575 FW update over USB Type-C

Hello.For my project I'd like an option to update firmware on my STM32U575 over USB Type-C connector either with the computer or with the USB flash drive.Details:Board I'm developing has its own power, no power needed from USB. When connected to the ...

ATroš.1 by Associate
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