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Hello STM32 friends!Board: Nucleo-H755ZI-QCore used for LWIP: M7Goal: LWIP without RTOS(UPDATE below: I solved my own question, find it on github, hope to help somebody with it)I have followed many posts on the ethernet topic, but for a long time I w...
For the Nucleo-H755ZI, I use the 'PWR_DIRECT_SMPS_SUPPLY' choice in 'HAL_PWREx_ConfigSupply', like: HAL_PWREx_ConfigSupply(PWR_DIRECT_SMPS_SUPPLY); With this setting, the board works fine and keeps working after flashing.If you choose for example 'PW...
Hi STM32 friends,I'm about to learn something new, because I hit a problem with STM32CubeMX 6.11.1 (newest)I have used Ethernet on several M7 platforms, not always without a bit of struggling.However, this time after configuring ETH, LWIP remains gra...
I have made a simple program flashing LED's from both cores and sending data between the two cores using a struct that resided on the same memory space for both.I used latest STM32CubeMX (Version: 6.9.2), STM32CubeIDE (Version: 1.14.1), and latest ST...
How can I prevent STM32CubeIDE from auto-collapsing the project folders?This should never happen, I think.Only the user should be able to do this, if desired, not the IDE.On top of that, it would nice if the IDE at startup even remembers which folder...