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I have two STM32MP157C-DK2 dev boards, they still have the demo software on it.They collected a lot of dust, over the past years.The problem is the 3d cube demo slowing down after days.After a reset it is fast again. Perhaps a memory leak?Because it ...
Hello,I'm starting a dual-core project .But how do I add a driver in project tree under CM7 in the directory MyProject\CM7\Drivers\STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver?I have copied (manually) stm32h7xx_hal_pcd and stm32h7xx_ll_usb drivers into this directory MyProj...
 Downloading a selected version of STM32CubeMX does not work.Download link: I select 6.11.1, and login, nothing happens.I can downlad the latest version 6.12.0.Am I doing it wrong? 
Hello STM32 friends!Board: Nucleo-H755ZI-QCore used for LWIP: M7Goal: LWIP without RTOS(UPDATE below: I solved my own question, find it on github, hope to help somebody with it)I have followed many posts on the ethernet topic, but for a long time I w...
For the Nucleo-H755ZI, I use the 'PWR_DIRECT_SMPS_SUPPLY' choice in 'HAL_PWREx_ConfigSupply', like: HAL_PWREx_ConfigSupply(PWR_DIRECT_SMPS_SUPPLY); With this setting, the board works fine and keeps working after flashing.If you choose for example 'PW...