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Hi,i ran into quite an issue. Already took quite some time to figure out, how the outputs can be made to work the way (kind of) they should.Now i ran into an issue, when the outputs where not activated (Hi-Z). First it was not a problem, but i found,...
Hi, i found out, that the output is floating, when it is not activated to output the PWM signal of timer 8. // **************** PWM ********************* // PC6-8 (High side) // PC10-12 (Low side) my_GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_6 | GPI...
Hi,i am able to find function that i have in my code in the build analyser, but not all of them. Neither with the map, elf or bin file. I even restarted my PC.I used the search function in the build analyser. I found some "xxx.o" and "*fill*" "functi...
Hi,i tried to write a option byte, which did not work i think.A FLASH mass erase with the programmer does not work: "Error: Mass erase operation failed.Please verify flash protection"Is it possible to brick a chip with a failed flash write operation?...
Hi, i believe i have blown up some IC`s while debugging. Its a BLDC driver. Now i wonder how i safely could debug it. I know of the intrusive nature of debugging, but not that well. Does anyone know a good article, or can provide some knowledge? Espe...