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Resolved! STM32H750 RAM configuration

I am looking into RAM support for the SMT32H750 series chips for my future projects.The STM32H750 series chips support 16-bit data bus as well as 32-bit data bus configuration. This mode is selected on startup, as far as I can tell.If I were to use t...

etamarin by Associate III
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Resolved! ADC sampling rate checked by callback

Hello,I am using a NUCLEO-H743ZI2.I read the reference manual RM0433 Rev8.I also read a bunch of topics in the forum but didn't find what I wanted. I am trying to check my ADC sampling rate by looking at the timestamp at my half full/full callback fr...

ADCclock.png formulaFadc.png ADCconfig.png ADCdoc.png
Kévin by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32G0 - G0B1RE GPIO MOD REGISTER not enabled

Hi, I use STM32Cube IDE, and use STM32G0 - G0B1RE device. I try to enable the mod register to blink the LED here is the code that i try so far, based on the Reference Manual (rm0444), I need to enable RCC_IOPENR before modify the GPIOx_MODER. But unf...

Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 09.21.06.png Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 09.23.59.png Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 09.24.22.png Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 09.24.32.png
dx7 by Associate II
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Resolved! profibus

Hi community,any mcu from family STM32H7 or other that supports Profibus?Thanks a lot

SGasp.1 by Senior
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STM32F103C8T6 flash memory size

Hi, I tried to read BluePill board MCU STM32F103C8T6 flash by STM32CUBE in Target information it shows Device ID 0x410 and flash memory size 128kb but by datasheet STM32F103C8T6 flash memory must be 64 kb Why is the difference?  

Einar by Associate II
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ART-PI dev board STM32H750 FMC+LTDC+RGB888 display

Hi all!I wrote code on my ART-PI development panel that displays a simple filled box and text (touchgfx). I use the following in both projects:FMC with 240Mhz, SDRAM with 120Mhz. W9825G6 data 16bitCPU clock 480MhzRGB888 display, MRG7122 DCLK typical ...

H723ZG ethernet fail

Hello,I have made a simple project using NUCLEO-H723ZG to constantly transmit data via UDP with some low but non-trivial speed (~2300 1KB datagrams /s). Unfortunately, after about 3h of such transmission, the board crashed, and afterwards, the ethern...

mbq by Associate II
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stm32F769I IAP

Hi,I am trying to implement IAP through UART on stm32f779I Evaluation kit,  I am using stm cude IDE 1.9.0 and F7v1.17.0 software package.I have downloaded IAP_Main project using st_link. By using tampered button entered into the downlaod mode and usi...

Aravind1 by Associate II
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