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need to read BOOT0 pin on STM32H725

I have designed a set of boards for a client with one USB interface to the main controller.  We can bootload it by the usual methods, and bootload the CPUs on the other boards by pass-thru from the main controller.  I send coded messages to the main ...

JCase.1 by Associate III
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STM32U545RE SPI1 issue

HelloI am using STM32U545RE (LQFP64 package) for my project as master controller. I have interfaced a slave ADC to the uC using SPI1 port. From datasheet, SPI1_SCK  can be either :PA1, PA5 or PB3.While configuring PA1 as SPI1_SCK it was observed that...

STM32U545RE USART3 issue

HelloI am using STM32U545RE (LQFP64 package) for my project as master controller. I am using the following pins for USART3 along with a transceiver chip ADM3061E and an additional GPIO output configured to act as the Enable.USART3_RX:PC5USART3_TX:PC4...


Resolved! Optimizing DFT for loop

Do you think that it is common for the function bellow (arraySize = 32) to take approximately 125us to execute? The for loop is the main problem as it takes almost 120us to execute.I am using STM32G474ret6u MCU, with clock at 170Mhz? Also the optimiz...

GHrib.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H7A3 LPUART and BDMA

I'm trying to get the LPUART working with BDMA on a STM32H7A3 MCU.  Eventually I'd like to set it up so the MCU goes into a low power state and wakes up when it receives a LF character match in the incoming message, but for now I'm just trying to get...

magene by Senior II
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STM32 HAL or LL functions without the timebase

Hi All, I am using the STM32H723 device and have used the HAL functions and they work but I find the SysTick or any timebase interrupts my code. Timing is critical; if the data from the serial port is interrupted by the SysTick interrupt, I lose data...

ENort.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! TIM2 on STM32F103RB board - how to set it up?

Hi, I have use MX to generate code for this timer.  The generated code is as follows: static void MX_TIM2_Init(void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM2_Init 0 */ /* USER CODE END TIM2_Init 0 */ TIM_ClockConfigTypeDef sClockSourceConfig = {0};TIM_MasterConfigTy...

Resolved! How to set up IRAM1/IRAM2 in Keil with STM32H742VIT6?

Hello,I'm having weird problems with code crashing, perhaps related to how I have IRAM1/IRAM2 set up in my project:Looking in the reference manual, I see that the SRAM starting at 0x2000_0000 is the DTCM_RAM on TCM interface (data RAM?), the SRAM sta...

briankaz by Associate III
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