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The issues of developing VL6180 with Arduino IDE

IDE: Arduino IDE2.2.1Evaluation board: Nucleo-F303RE, VL6180x-statel I found the library from the github GitHub - stm32duino/VL6180X: Arduino library to support the VL6180X Time-of-Flight and gesture-detection sensor, and installed it successfully.I ...

Hongxuan by Associate
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Resolved! Baud rate calculation for LPUART1 vs. USART1?

Hello,I was trying to use USART1 in a project with STM32H742VIT6 but decided to use LPUART1 instead.  I found that using the same BRR computation the baud rate is coming out MUCH slower (it's around a factor of 51 slower).  LPUART1SEL is in the reset...

briankaz by Associate III
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Hi,I would like to inquire whether it is possible to perform internal I2C and SPI loopback tests on the STM32F767ZI board.Regards,Mounika

Harathi by Associate
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L432 won't programming

Hello,I am working in a new project (a USBC rechargable battery LORA board with temperature module) with some leds and a button. I attached the schematic here.I only program all my boards with the USART mode.I choose the L4 family because I want to s...

Resolved! Nucleo f746zg

Hello all, I'm learning about Nucleo F746ZGT6 . and also I'm doing some projects related to this board. I want to ask how much digital voltage & Current at the one pin of Nucleo F746zgt6. 

jbg by Associate II
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USB CDC how to increase speed (baud rate) ?

Hello everyone,I am working on a signal analyser device, which needs to transmit data serially as fast as possible (idealy 1Mbaud/s).I am doing the following loop to transmit:  uint8_t buf_high[1] = {124}; // '|' uint8_t buf_low[1] = {48}; // '0' ini...

LLope.31 by Associate III
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Resolved! Configure AF GPIO register using 11U STM32F446RE

Hi, i came across a program to config alternation function for SPI GPIO port A.  GPIOA->CRL |= (11U<<20);       // PA5 SCK AF output push pull GPIOA->CRL |= (11U<<28);       // PA7 MOSI AF output push pull What does the 11U means? i know its somethin...

Resolved! STM32G474RET6 ADC over work voltage

I have a project ,  used regular conversion ADC1 Vrefint Channel and Temperature Channel, and used injected conversion ADC2 extern Channel(ext.CH1 and CH2).ADC2 CH2 connect 2000mV voltage , CH1 is changed. If CH1 over 3.6V,the CH2 conversion is error...

Sunwaz by Associate III
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