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Resolved! STM32F427VI firmware retrieval

Hi All, Been reading and learning a lot about MCU's in general. I'm very very new to all of this so please bare with me.The board comes with STM32F427, and a custom .exe that can flash directly via USB-C. I've read about fake STM32's, and. I'm not su...

Flushing/resetting DMA state

So DMA can read/write from 16bit SPI DR, to 32bit memory variable, in circular mode,I need to reinit stream, but DMA TX ends up off by one 16bit in destination array,so how can I partially reinit DMA to beginning or array/or even addresses?Without fu...

mrx23 by Associate III
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stm32f4 timer based interrupt function execution

hey!im working on data logging and want to store all data in text filewhere i want to save date and time with the use of RTC clock and external interrupt based on timer with gap of 1 sec i have things configured correctly for the RTC which works fine...

_kalpesh by Associate III
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Resolved! Issue with uart USART_ISR_EOBF bit

Hi I have a stm32L433, and setup Uart1 for standard TX and RX with interrupt for both send and receive (9600N81 setup). I don't use any hardware handshake . Within the IRQ routine occasionally the USART_ISR_EOBF bit in the ISR is set , and I am not u...

SSmit.13 by Senior
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HAL fails to switch VRef from internal to external H743

Changing VRef source would seem simple, but it doesn't work, there is no change in the levels the ADC records. __HAL_RCC_VREF_CLK_ENABLE();HAL_SYSCFG_DisableVREFBUF(); // Disable the Internal Voltage Reference buffer, uses external 3.3vHAL_SYSCFG_VRE...

Robmar by Senior III
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