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Forum Posts

10-Bit DVP (DCMI) input to DVI/HDMI output

Hi,Our team is working on a board that should provide the ability to stream a video from OmniVisions' OV6946 tiny CMOS camera module to a monitor with DVI port are planning to use OV426 as a convertor into a parra...

jjjj by Associate
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Strange ADC issue in STM32G491

Hi,I have a very strange ADC issue which I am unable to find the root cause to. The symptom is as follows;While performing ADC readings to ADC1 IN1 and ADC2 IN1 consecutively, the readings sometimes differ by more than 32 ADC counts. I perform this c...

macbum by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32G070CB v1.2 bootloader issues with some commands

Hello, I'm trying to communicate with a STM32G070CBT6 bootloader, with mixed success. I've forced the chip into bootloader mode by writing a 0xDBFFE1AA to the FLASH option register (by default it was DFFFE1AA). I've verified that this value "stuck", ...

sgordon777_0-1736617801172.png sgordon777_1-1736618016555.png

Resolved! USB DFU on STM32F103C8t6

Hi everyone I want to program Stm32F103C8t6 via USB and STM32Cube programmer version 2.10.0. I am using "STM32 smart V2." I pulled up the Boot0 pin and disconnected and connected the USB cable to the board (the board's power comes from the USB, so it...

Behzad by Associate
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offset and linearity calibration

Hello,I'm working with the offset and linearity calibration on an STMH755.  My board will run the full calibration at production, save off the resulting offset and linearity calibration constants, and then retrieve and apply them at any new restarts ...

R_DSP by Associate II
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Resolved! UART to interface with TMC2209-Eval Board problems

HiI have to connect an STM34 Nucleo board to a TMC2209. I have to setup a single wire UART. Only TX is connected with the TMC board.I transmitted a datagram and when I try to receive the response I get back the initial data I have e sent.Does anybody...

RPG by Senior
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