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Resolved! Cortex M7 Operating Modes

Hii, In ARM cortex M7 Architecture, Two modes are there one is Thread Mode and Handler Mode. Here, What is my query is How to switch Thread mode to Handler Mode? What Instruction we have to write example, msr xpsr in Assembly? Regards,

why calibration ADC and DAC is important in stm32f4?

  Hello, I am using ADC and DAC for sensing in my device, and I am using the STM32F405RGT6. I want to perform calibration, but I cannot use   "HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start(&hadc1, ADC_SINGLE_ENDED);"   . I tried using this code: c Copy code     ...

macam1 by Associate III
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Nucleo446re Internal Adc

Hi Everyone I am using Internal adc to sample 2 channels of adc using polling methodI am not able to reduce the number of samples per cycle by changing prescaler or Sampling timeI can only control the samples per cycle by giving software delay -->   ...

Resolved! SRC236 Sample rate converter, noisy

Hy,I have tried to resample a 16bit/8kHz audio signal to 16kHz and 48kHz.Conversion works, but the audio is noisy. I am tested it on development board STM32H747 CM7 core.I have tried libraries: SRC236_CM7_GCC.a and SRC236HQ_CM7_GCC.a without quality ...

KBéla.1 by Associate III
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SD Card as MSC Device on STM32H753I-EVAL2

Hello everyone,I’m looking for some assistance with making an SD card work as a Mass Storage Class device on the STM32H753I-EVAL2 board. I’ve come across various solutions on the forum that have helped others, but none have resolved all the issues, a...

ikogman by Associate II
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Resolved! USB not recognized by PC in FreeRTOS

Hi, I want to get log using Type-c, and using freertos to run all the tasks.setting:MCU STM32L4A6VGSTM32CubeIDE 1.12.0STM32CubeMX  6.8.0tera term 4.106when i insert Type-c, device manager return the unknown usb.I try some methods:1. put MX_USB_DEVICE...

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alyssa by Associate III
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Resolved! stm32u5 internal pull-up resistors on SDIO pins

Hi. Isn't it possible to turn on the internal pull-up resistors for SDIO lines in STM32U585?In cubeMX configuration, It doesn't show pull up option in gpio config. Also choosing pull up in the init code doesn't look like enabling it. is there anywher...

Getting Hardfault with my application

Hello all I am facing a issue my program works however when is executes this part it runs only once after that it ran into hard fault. I have attached the snap of structure part of code which cause it and also exception observation please let me know...

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devendra by Associate II
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2 Channel Frequency Generator With Phase Shift

Hello to all,I want to make frequency generator with STM32 Nucleo F746ZG board. I am using PC8 and PC9 output. Frequency will begin with 100 kHz both output and during 2 secons it will increase to 400 kHz. Duty ratio always same. And between PC8 and ...

ozkenali by Associate II
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