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Resolved! STM32G0B1 LSECSS error

Hello, ST expertI'm using the STM32G0B1RCT6 and have enabled the LSECSSON. I've discovered a rather incredible phenomenon. I'm using a 3.3V battery for VBAT. When I disconnect the VDD of the MCU, it abnormally triggers the LSECSS fault. As a result, ...

Sunwaz by Associate III
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Resolved! UART doesn't work

Hi evryone, I'm trying to initialise a very basic UART communication between my stm32 L552ZE-Q and my computer by following this tutorial: I have no errors, no warning while compiling and the problem...

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_Louis_ by Associate III
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Analog Comparator False Initial Trigger

Hello,I am working with an STM32G071. I am using Comp2. I have configured it with the STM32CubeIDE. Presently, It is set to "medium" speed/power, and Rising Edge Input with High Hysteresis. The positive input is set to INP/PB6. The negative input is ...

Carl_G by Senior
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F103 PWM using DMA not working

Hi,I'm usingSTM32CubeIDE 1.6.1Windows 11I can get PWM working using both TIM1_CH1 and TIM2_CH2The frequency and duty cycle are as expected from the settings in the IOC file.However, when I try and do a HAL_TIM_PWM_Stop_DMA(htim, TIM_CHANNEL_1);I get ...

Jorgie by Associate III
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STM32F429 timer Question

im confused about the TIMPRE bit in the RCC_DCKCFGR does it only effect the apb1 and not apb2 timers cause the way it describes this bit it acts like the apb2  can be times 4 because it says PPREx so 1 or 2  but on cube mx im noticing when u enable t...

Problem with built-in bootloader over CAN with STM32F466

Hi, i can definitely use a push in the right direction as i am really stuck on this one. Goal is to push new firmware onto a STM32F446 via the built-in bootloader. For this i have connected two MCU's on a CAN bus, the receiving one is a STM32F446. I ...

bonzo by Associate II
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