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STM32 external SRAM memory compatibility

Hello, As part of a board re-design due to obsolescence,I need to find a replacement for the existing microprocessor and my choice is the STM32F429. Because of its 32-bit flexible memory controller (FMC). I wanted to know if there is a document speci...

Resolved! GPIO INPUT PA6

Hi,   STM407G DISC-1 STMCubeIDEWhen I configure PA6 pin as an input with pull-down. In a floating state, I still measure approximately 2.8V.Do I have to use an external pull-down to make it near to zero?


Dears, I have issues with setting RTC shift register.I have setup RTC with AsynchPrediv = 127 & SynchPrediv = 255 and is working normally.I tried to periodically setting RTC->SHIFTR with value 100 each 5 secs. Then wait for the shift operation to com...

ravo by Senior
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Error: Activating device: KO. Please, verify the boot mode configuration and check the serial port configuration. Reset your device then try again...

I am using stm32f103c8t6 with uart cable to connect it with stm32 cube programmer but come up the statement above. Any suggestion to fix this problem?14:12:16 : Serial Port COM3 is successfully opened. 14:12:16 : Port configuration: parity = even, ba...

yying.1 by Associate
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USB UVC with STM32U5G9ZJT6Q is 60 MHZ PHY Clock possible

Hello everyone,I am currently working on a project using the STM32U5G9ZJT6Q mcu with USB UVC. For my setup, I am providing: 32 MHZ external clock to phy 144 MHZ system clock In the documentation(TRM and CubeMX), the maximum external phy clock specifi...

AA22 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32G0 ADC behavior

When runnung the ADC in continuous mode, does the ADC clear the sampling cap after each read? Or does the ADC go into it's next read with the sampling cap still charged up to whatever the previous level was. Thus, potentially putting some slight amou...

Carl_G by Senior
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