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STM32 and eMMC memory - EXT_CSD register access

Hello, I am a little advanced STM32 user, but I quite struggle with eMMC memory and STM32F7 (on custom board with STM32F756I and Samsung's 32GB eMMC KLMB2G2JENB-041 in the 8-bit MMC interface). Optionally I can solder STM32H753I which is pin-to-pin c...

MOndr.1 by Associate
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STM32U0 Startup current

Hi @Amel NASRI, Thanks for sharing the info here.  I'm really interested in low power MCUs.  I do have one question:  where can I find information about the startup current draw of this part?  The datasheet has very good documentation on the supply c...

JCard.3 by Associate III
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STM32F407 Ethernet LwIP + FREERTOS ping break Hard fault

Dear team,I am facing an issue where my device disconnects and drops the ping whenever the master device tries to connect with RS-485 Devices. after some "request timeout" error the device goes into a hard fault.The application runs on  STM32F407VET6...

ATPL by Associate II
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Resolved! CAN bus

Please suggest me STM32 product which can be used to analyze CAN bus. also send and receive data thru CAN bus. Is there any STM32 available with CAN build in peripheral. I currently have STM32F411RE. 

Pnn by Associate
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STM32G050 Debug with IWDG enabled

I enabled IWDG on my STM32G050C8T6 and it works correctly but I also want to be able to debug the MCU with IWDG enabled. According to the MCU family's reference manual I should set  bit 12 (DBG_IWDG_STOP) of DBG APB freeze register 1 (DBG_APB_FZ1) to...

BlazejK_0-1735630035425.png BlazejK_1-1735630179780.png BlazejK_2-1735630247355.png
BlazejK by Associate II
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im struggling to get usb fs working on a custom stm32f446vet dev board. im slightly aware that this may be an explored problem but in need of some guidance. i suspect the PLLSAI never locks. some init code for context  void USB::Init(bool softReset) ...