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Forum Posts

IWDG Doesn't Reset Without Refreshing with F103RC

Hi,I am trying to use IWDG to function as a 5s timer, IWDG is reloaded every second. In order to test the functionality, I just activated it with default parameters of PRESCALER=4 RELOAD VALUE=4095, and I did nothing else (no refreshing the timer), w...

Chao_0-1736418375886.png Chao_1-1736418396524.png
Chao by Senior
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How send answer on UDP server ?

Hello,I created UDP server with LwIP stack on STM32F407.I tried example udp_echo _server. It works.Now I need send from server my own answer data in callback function.The program hangs in callback function.void udp_echoserver_receive_callback(void *a...

Peko by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32 Nucleo- L4A6ZG differential ADC input Error.

Hi there. I am testing my circuit with a 3.3V sine wave that has a 1.65V DC offset. PC01 has the Signal InputPC02 has the 1.65V.Looking at the output file from the ADC, I am not getting the total signal. 0-4096. My wave is between 1000 and 3000 appro...

nafis by Associate II
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Resolved! I2S weird bit shift problem

Hi,I'm getting a problem in my project, where I tried to create a loopback between I2S3 and I2S4 on STM32F411 Disco.It seems that only the least significant bit of 16-bit packets is somehow shifted to the next packet. The rest of the transmission is ...

baator025 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32N6 HPDMA not copying data

Hello,another day, another N6 "issue" :)I want to do RAM to RAM copy by HPDMA, but the data never get copied from Src to Dest, Dest always stays unmodified. I have checked the 'DMA_RAMToRAM' example for N6 and went from there, but with no success.DMA...

Potential memory leak in SPI HAL for STM32H753

Configuring SPI for 24 bit data frames and receiving single data frames via HAL_SPI_Receive_IT (which redirects to HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_IT() in case bidirectional transfer is enabled), hspi->RxXferCount and hspi->RxXferSize are both set to the val...

MNagl.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! General Purpose Timer as Wakeup

Hi guys, im initializing a low/ultra low power project and i will use the STM32C011J4M6, i need to know if a general purpose timer like the TIM14 can wakeup the microcontroller in the low power modes (sleep, stop, etc).I was reading the datasheet (i ...

Resolved! SPI vs GPIO - Alternate Functions (AF)

@Tesla DeLorean Hi! Thank you for helping me with the BOOTING process. However, I have a question about the peripherals. I am planning to control a TFT screen that requires 40 pins and RGB protocol. At first, I was planning to choose random GPIOs to ...

STM32U5 - Enable MDF use ADC1 as data source

Hello, I have further questions related to ADC1 and MDF. The solution solved this case: ADC1 with one single input channel.  How about multiple input channels are connected to ADC1 of STM32U585?  I use 4x analog inputs as example, they are connected ...

YN15054 by Associate
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STM32H7 GPIO Default Behavior

Hi,I notice in the STM32H747XIH6 reference manual (RM0399) that "During and just after reset, the alternate functions are not active and most of the I/O portsare configured in analog mode." I want to confirm that in "analog mode" the IO is an HZ inpu...

slc2015 by Associate II
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