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Hello,another day, another N6 "issue" :)I want to do RAM to RAM copy by HPDMA, but the data never get copied from Src to Dest, Dest always stays unmodified. I have checked the 'DMA_RAMToRAM' example for N6 and went from there, but with no success.DMA...
Hello,I have a problem with STM32N6. When trying to access any TCM (ITCM/DTCM) the CPU immediately crashes to the Hard_Fault. Do the TCM memories need to be explicitly enabled or something? From my experience from STM32H7, it was never needed. I've l...
Hello,I'm trying to do pattern generation on GPIO port using DMA timed by TIM trigger, but I cannot make it running.My code:TIM2 INIT  void MX_TIM2_Init(void) { __HAL_RCC_TIM2_CLK_ENABLE(); HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(TIM2_IRQn, 3, 0); HAL_NVIC...
Hi,I have bought the STM32H747-DISCO kit for testing and I want to test at the max frequency (480MHz). I'm aware of the requirements for the 480MHz, I have followed the user manual:Desoldered and soldered relevant SBs for LDO operation.Updated the co...