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Forum Posts

GT911 stucks/freezes in multitouch.

Hello Community,I'm using GT911 with STM32F746 over I2C. I have noticed some time it stucks when multi touch is used (very few times in single touch as well). Upon debugging I noticed a change of voltage level of Interrupt pin.In working state, INT p...

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KAgga.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32G4 FW 1.5.2 FDCan Error/Bug?

Hi guys I've upgraded from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 and I'm receiving HardFaults when using FDCAN \STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_G4_V1.5.1\Drivers\STM32G4xx_HAL_Driver\Src\stm32g4xx_hal_fdcan.c FW 1.5.1 Line: 3493     /* Write Tx payload to the message RAM...

Framet by Associate III
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AES for hashing

Hi, For some reason I need to use the AES engine to generate hashing either as ghash or AES-CMAC digest. Any reference could you provide to use AES engine for MAC generation. Thanks,Gopi Krishnan

nRF24L01+ receiver problems

Hello,I am currently using a custom-built board designed to the nRF24L01+ specification and using the same exact circuit provided in their datasheet. It is connected to my STM32F103 through SPI. I am currently using this library to test out this boar...

Resolved! STM32L476 minimal ADC sampling time

Hello,STM32L476 data sheet Rev 8 talks in 3.15 about "Down to 18.75 ns sampling time" while table 77 only lists a minimal 31.25 ns minimal sampling time. Is 18.75 ns sampling time possible and with what setting?

Resolved! Read wrong content of MCU's internal flash

HelloI am working in dual bank mode with STM32G474RET6 MCU. I want to store some default values in internal flash beyond last programmed firmware's data address.For example I have following contents in flash (shown from STM32CubeProgrammer):Data star...

AlexHalf by Associate III
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Resolved! Getting problems with CAN on a NUCLEO-F207ZG Board

Hello everyone,   for a project I try to build a small CAN Bus with several Nucleo 144F207 Boards. Sadly, I have a really hard time to get it to work even though it should be rather simple. The minimum setup consists of two boards and two CAN Trancie...

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Resolved! TSC Example

I am a begginer in the st enviroment, but still. I'm trying to use the touch sensing library, but there is very little good examples of how to just use one button as a sensor. I real all the documentation, still no good examples. I downloaded the lib...

mihaheh by Associate
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