Hello everyone!I am working with STM32H7B3I-DK and I have enabled USART1 based on the available example, but I need to enable USART2 to connect to the WiFi. If I use the same code but with RX and TX pins from USART2, I can see nothing on console. Do ...
Hello everyone!I am working on a project and using STM32H7B3I-DK board. I am facing issues with SPI communication. I am using simple code: while (1) { HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(&hspi2, tx_data, rx_data, strlen(tx_data), HAL_MAX_DELAY); // Send AT c...
Hello everyone!I'm working on a project where I want to transmit some data to the cloud using the STM32H7B3I-DK board. However, I've encountered difficulties in establishing serial communication with this board. I've tried enabling SPI communication ...
I am using option in the console Command Shell Console and it is configured just as settings of the USART2 (port, baud rate, data bits, stop bits and parity) and it could be used for any usart probably.. To be clear, I have disabled USART1 and only e...
I am unable to run that example. I am getting the Run Simulator failed if I am using TouchGFX application. I am only able to excute this example if I run .hex file that I found somewhere on Google but I cannot decode that .hex file so I can see the e...
Thank you on your fast response! Yes, I am working through CubeMX tool. I have configured:-USART2_CTS(PA0)-USART2_TX(PD5)-USART2_RX(PD6)-USART2_RTS(PD4)Unfortunately, I still cannot see anything on console. Can you help me with RCC configurations?I a...