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I am using STM32F4 and I am trying to create 8 independent pulse outputs. I have chosen 8 timers looking at the STM32F4 Discovery datasheet and mapped them to pins. I have code for TIM2 and TIM5 that works perfectly. I change the pulse and the freque...
I have been unsuccessful in using TIM1 in Output Compare mode. I was trying to use the code that works for the general purpose timers but I cannot get it to work with the advanced timer TIM1. I read online that it is because it was an advanced timer ...
I am trying to control 8 independent pulse channels using 8 independent pins of the STM32F407. Each pin will supply the pulse pin to a different motor, so I will be controlling 8 independent motors with the microcontroller. For each pin I am assignin...
Hi, I have an application where I need to send send signals to 8 stepper drivers on my STM32F407 Discovery board. Each stepper driver requires an independent PULSE, DIRECTION, and SLEEP signal. DIRECTION and SLEEP are trivial GPIOs high/low. I have u...
I am trying to implement MODBUS protocol. STM32 receives an initial message of 8 bytes and then send a response of 8 bytes. However, the next message received by the STM32 doesn't trigger the HAL_UART_Receive_IT callback. uint8_t reception_complete =...
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