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Forum Posts

Configure GPIO through registers

Hi i m learning to configure GPIO using registers, and come across the following code, can anyone kindly help to advise the following? what does the whole sentence do? what does the (volatile....) means, what does GPIO_OUT_DATA(0) does and what does ...

Resolved! STM32U585RIT6 and STM32U585RIT6Q

Hi I've been searching for some info about these two MCUs and I need some clarifications.1. What is the difference between STM32U585RIT6 and STM32U585RIT6Q?2. On page 150 of DS13086, STM32U585xx datasheet, regarding power supply scheme, I can see the...

el659_0-1704713155510.png el659_0-1704715877034.png
el659 by Associate III
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Resolved! SPI DMA Correct Implementation

Hi, I am trying to use DMA in my project for SPI and noticed there are 2 type definitions as below:-  SPI_HandleTypeDef hspi1; DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_spi1_tx;  Which one do I need to use for SPI transmission as I am having problems using 'hspi1' as b...

Linkpad by Associate III
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Resolved! RAM data retention in Standby mode

Hiwhen the STM32F103 enter the standby mode, it has the lowest power consumption. And it said the voltage regulator is switched off. And all of the data in the RAM will be lost except the backup ram and register of the RTC.But I tested it, the data w...

HF.Wang by Associate II
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Hı everyone, ı was trying to design basic timer project in register level about toggling on related led pin every 1 second. However, the led is on a few seconds after that it is off and never becoming on. When ı do the same project in HAL library, it...

Resolved! STMH723 and LAN8742Ai PHY

Hi,I am working on a new product. For this I use the STM32H723 µC and the LAN8742Ai PHY from Microchip.Our schematics looks like this:We have a 25 MHz crystal connected to the STM32H723 (HSE). The MCO is configured to HSE. The crystal matches the clo...

sada1400 by Associate II
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