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Hi everyone,I’m evaluating the LSM6DSV16X for a project and have a couple of questions:1. Temperature Sensor AccuracyI know the built-in temperature sensor is mainly for internal monitoring, but I’m wondering how reliable it is for actual ambient tem...
Hello there,  Are there any examples on how to use the inactivity feature of the lsm6dsv16x?I checked the github and I only see for waking up, but not the other way around. My goal is to set a device to sleep once there is no motion from imu. meaning...
Hey Everyone,  I bought this sensor and it is default to work as i2c. Which I do. I can read from this imu using regular polling, but I would like to use interrupts. But the issue is, interrupts to do not fire a...
Hey everyone,I am new to the lsm6dsv16x sensor and I would like to set it up to read the full fifo as an interrupt vs polling due to speed. I am following the example from github setting up my gpio as an external event for interrupt int1. https://git...
Hey Everyone,  I am having an issue with the stm32h755 dual debugging. Im trying to run cm4 by itself without cm7. But the issue im having is, whenever I reset the MCU and check the SPI lines, I see a clock running. When I debug just cm4, I do not se...
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