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Hiis there some example project for head/device orientation detection with sensor tile box / LSM6DSV?Thx
HiI have a custom pcb design with a lsm6dsv and lsm303agr. So far it is only streaming xyz coordinates.I need to come up with something like a rotating dice in this Video at minute 5:20 : fact i need to Sh...
Hiin my project I have enabled FreeRTOS, so the NVIC prios 0-4 are reserved for FreeRTOS.I need to generate a highly accurate 1 sec timer interrupt.Is it correct that FreeRTOS interrupts might delay my (cortex) timer intterupt handlers to be called?I...
Hithe USB tutorial of ST is a bit outdated. Do I still need to do the loop back of line coding in usbd_cdc_if.c in function CDC_Control_HS? I am using Stm32f4 and STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.28.0This is mentined in this video:
Hiin different posts in forum I read ST's USB library is not thread safe. There are no examples with USB CDC and FreeRTOS.Is that true?Thx 
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