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Forum Posts

SPI Interrupt & DMA not working, polling is

hi, I m using H7A3 nucleo, manage to get SPI polling working, enclose code below, when i try in implement Interrupt and DMA , the code compile successfully with no error,  but SPI output no signal, SPI slave device is a TI ADC...I have set SPi global...

HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage() returning error

Hii st-term   Can you please tell what is issue in this code it is going in Error Handler HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage(CAN_HandleTypeDef *hcan, const CAN_TxHeaderTypeDef *pHeader, const uint8_t aData[], uint32_t *pTxMailbox) { uint32...

DMA Transfer Complete Flag strange behavior

Hi, I am using 3 DMA channels of DMA1 on a STM32G4* to transfer data from the 3 ADCs to mem. At a certain point I want to make sure that all transfers are done and enter a while loop:  uint32_t timeoutCnt = 0; while(!LL_DMA_IsActiveFlag_TC1(DMA1) || ...

stryga by Associate II
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I am using STM32F446RE microcontroller and using MATLAB to develop the logic. Upon launching StmCubeMx, I have kept the clock frequency as 90MHz and 10% duty cycle for TIM1, TIM2, TIM3. So, it gives same output frequency of the pulses (PWM_Output.png...

PWM_Output.png Timer_setting.PNG model.PNG

Resolved! Help with load & Executing Code into Stm32 mcu Ram

I have both STM32F1038T6 and STM32F401CC. I have been trying to get a code to run from ram for days now. Im using arduino ide with stm32duino.  i first create a buffer in ram with malloc then  copy the code to the buffer using memcpy. The code is in ...

KeiKei by Associate II
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Cannot access memory

Hi, I am having problem with string copy strncpy(). I am getting error message "Cannot access memory at address 0x31203a6e" static char *DataBuffer[30] = {0}; for(char *str =strtok((char*)recdata, "\n\n"); str; str = strtok(NULL, "\n\n")) { strncp...

cjaya.2 by Associate II
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Dear Sir,I use NUCLEO-L476 , Once I connect it to usba new window pop up like with the Caption NODE_L476RG .Erasing the CPU still the window pop up.What should I do to make this board to act as plain PCB