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STM32F412 I2C2 Busy flag keeps set

Hi all,i am facing issue with STM32F412's i2c. i am using i2c2 on PB9/PB10 pins. Two i2c slaves are connected on this bus. one is 24AA02E48 eeprom and second is M41T00S RTC.SDA is pulled up is 10K resistor and SCL is pulled up with 4.7K resistor.STM3...

sanju by Senior
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Can not get I3C state

Hi all,I use STM32-H503RB as the controller to test IBI function with I3C. After I3C initialization and configuration of the target, the target will be enabled to send IBI requests.I use  while (HAL_I3C_GetState(hi3c1) != HAL_I3C_STATE_READY)  to che...

Hexu by Associate II
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Getting speaker to work with STM32F3discovery

Hi,Following the code from my speaker is not making any noise when GND and PA04 connected. I have one of these

bibble235 by Associate III
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STM32F103VB contain PFAS substance or no

Dear Sir / Madam,Would you please help to check does STM32F103VB contain PFAS substance or not?If No, please provide the PFAS free declaration.If Yes, please provide the CAS number contain Fluorine substance. Thank you. 

NG by Associate
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STM32H743 and ST7701S compatible problem

Hi,Itˊs my first time programing on ST,there are some questiions i want to ask for advice:1.Does STM32H743 and ST7701S compatible?2.Which IDE should I use?STM32cubeIDE or vscode platform which is easier for beginner to use ?or other IDE?3.Can i use A...

Resolved! i can't erase flash memory of STM32C0116DK

i'm using stm32c011f4u6 mcu's DK(stm32c0116dk), and i generate the file as mdk-arm and it's running with keil5.i tried erase to test the flash memory, but it doesn't work. i even used the SDK example file, and i get the same error. Below is the main....

KenLee by Associate III
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