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im struggling to get usb fs working on a custom stm32f446vet dev board. im slightly aware that this may be an explored problem but in need of some guidance. i suspect the PLLSAI never locks. some init code for context  void USB::Init(bool softReset) ...

Resolved! ADDR10 flag is set when sending 7 bit address

I am using LL library on STM32F446 for an I2C master, I am trying to comunicate with a device with 0x7B address, after sending the address I don't get the ADDR flag, insted I get ADDR10Here is my interrupt code: if (LL_I2C_IsActiveFlag_SB(I2C1)) {...


Resolved! STM32 H743/H753 with pmod I2S2 Stereo Audio

TL;DR – Does anyone know how get the STM H7 series boards to do what Phil showed how do to in [#5] IIR Filters - Audio DSP On STM32 with I2S (24 Bit / 96 kHz) for the STM32 F4 series?  The H7 appears to be lots faster, and its floating point unit doe...

SamT by Associate II
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STM32H7S78 DK switch HSE clock problem

I am trying LTDC color keying application. LTDC uses HSI as clock source. I want to make all system clock HSE. Then I will be able to use PLL3 with HSE. However, the processor example I am using uses an external ram with boot_xip. All clock settings ...

OKesk.1 by Associate
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problem receiving multiple data with ethernet

Hello,I'm using an STM32 F4 board as a TCP Server and the hercule application on my PC as a TCP Client.I follow the online tutorial proposed by controllersTech for the configuration.This is what my program does: If I send the message "1" to the serve...

Dreamer3D by Associate III
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