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Resolved! Internal Pull up STM32G4 series

Hello,I am using the internal pull up for the input pins, but when read the port status using the program, it always reads 0 instead of 1. I expected it to read 1 and if make that pin grounded it shall read 0.   

STUser34 by Associate III
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STM32 SDRAM Access Results In HardFault

Hello, I am using STM32F469BIT with W9812G6KH-6I TR SDRAM and no matter what I did, I could not write to or read from SDRAM since MCU goes into hardfault whenever i want to access SDRAM. I configured FMC according to this article. I am running SDRAM ...

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ÇSerp.1 by Associate II
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STM32 Nucleo-F401re bootloader commands are not working

usart1 connectedHercules setup utility     Issue with Sending Bootloader Command on STM32According to AN3155, the 0x7F command should initialize the USART. I have ensured that I am in bootloader mode and have made the following connections:Connect th...

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mohite25 by Associate III
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STM32H747: Reducing standby mode current consumption

Hello, We are using the STM32H747AI on a custom board and attempting to enter standby mode for power savings. The system supply is configured as "SMPS supplies LDO (no external supply)" to be able to use the boosted performance at 480MHz, but the chi...

RopApe by Associate
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