User Activity

Good morning. I am working with the Discovery kit with STM32H7B3LI MCU and want to get its internal resistance. I want to use 10 buttons, each with one resistance, and then get the correct value for my MCU. I already know how to get the values betwee...
Good morning, I want to calculate the power consumption of my teseo vic3DA EVB, unfortunately, the datasheet do not talk about it, I just see in the schematics, it can be powered by 12V, 5V or 3.3V but nothing about the input resistance or the total ...
I am working on the Nucleo C031C6 and struggling to use the virtual com port. The datasheet says that the virtual com port is connected to PA3 and PA2, so I want to send data to my computer with USART2. Unfortunately, I do not understand why the pins...
Good morning, there is something i a not understanding well with my board. I need to use 10 GPIO as inputs of button or output. for that i went to the GPIO list, for example, I got GPIO at pin PI4 so I go on the schematics of my board and I see that ...
good morning,I am actually working on my STM32G431KB, I will use the power consumption tool of STM32cube once my code is complete but I would like to know if for now my calculations are correct.I want to use my board to power up 11 different sensor  ...
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