Moved from MPUs section - STM32F103 is an MCU.Hello,Are there any Application Notes in STMicroelectronics on the use of the Universal serial bus full-speed device interface (USB) at the register level (without HAL or other libraries) in STM32F103 mic...
Hello,I look at the STM32F103RB datasheet and see that this microcontroller should have 2 ADCs. When I open Table 5 (see Figure 1 below in this post) in this datasheet, I see only ADC12_IN10 and so on, that is, only ADC12. Why?
Hello,STM32F103RB microcontroller.7-bit master transmitter (see Figure 273).When I send Address then I receive AF bit of I2C_SR1 register equals "1" (Acknowledge failure). But the diagram taken from the oscilloscope shows that after the address there...
Hello,STM32CubeIDE.Is it possible to show hints (description of the function, description of the parameters of the function, description of the return value) when calling function?I made this function (see Figure 1) and made documenting comment. When...
Hello,STM32F103RB microcontrollers.Why do TIM6 and TIM7 timers and its registers not define in CMSIS in stm32f103xb.h file (see Figure 1 below)?Figure 1Therefore, it is impossible to use this TIM6->ARR = 0x0001; instruction and similar to this instru...
Hello,This STM32F103RB is genuine.I was solving this problem. There is the Figure 32 (I2C bus AC waveforms and measurement circuit) in the STM32F103RB datasheeet (see Figure 1 in this text). STM indicate that Rp resistor must be equal to 4.7k, but no...