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Missing STM32U0 series in table 3 of AN4894 - How to use EEPROM emulation on STM32 MCUs and STM32U3 series is duplicated.
1. According to datasheet, STM32U0 family have an IRTIM (Infrared interface). But this section is missing in RM0503. Also in SYSCFG_CFGR1 there is missing IR_MOD and IR_POL bits.2. In RTC section Figure 297 it is missing RTC_OUT2 and RTC_REFIN pins. ...
Cortex-M0 programming manual have several instructions like this:You can use the LSR ...When the instruction is LSRS, the carry flag is updated ...But I believe that on Cortex-M0, there is no optional 'S' appended to instructions to update flags. Ins...
Hi,I need clarification of errata, "Interrupt service routine (ISR) executed with priority of main process".I don't understand in which cases this limitation can occur.I don't understand why the workaround used for STM8S (put a SIM instruction at the...
Hi,Reference: AN5179 - RS232 communications with a terminal using the STM8 Nucleo-64 boards pag...