Vss pin setting
Hi. I'm using STM32F303RCT6 now. Is it possible to set one pin vss using gpio settings? If so, is there a specific pin? If you have any question, ask me.Thank you.
Hi. I'm using STM32F303RCT6 now. Is it possible to set one pin vss using gpio settings? If so, is there a specific pin? If you have any question, ask me.Thank you.
Specifically, I require a timer for creating a clock to a peripheral. I chose PH5 (Timer12 Channel 2) because of the allocation capability in CubeMX, however, the datasheet for the STM32H757 does not show that as an alternate function.I have confirm...
Hi,I have written application using visual studio C#. And I send commands through the COM port from my Visual Studio application to my STM32 board. There is a bit of strangeness, when I run the live debugger using STlink V2 with STM32CubeIDE I can se...
Kudo for Company support. Moving to Nordic Semiconductor!
I have a BMA5 accelerometer sensor and I want to change its I2C address. I have enabled I2C1 in cubemx and set pull-up for SDA and SCK lines. I need guidance on the program algorithm and cubemx setting for this task as I am new to this field. Also, I...
Hi There, We have IO expander that is connected using I2CFile: Application.C has functions for change the IO value of the IO Expanderthere is a UART that the user can connect to and change the value of the IO Expander (using CLI) Following functions ...
Using the Nucleo L412KC as a template, I fabbed a tiny test board to see if I could make my own kit.It is extremely basic, but when I connect the 3V3, GND, NRST, SWDIO, SWDCLK, none of the reset modes in the IDE result in the STLINK detecting the chi...
Hello everyone,I used Nucleo-F767ZI board for my vehicle robot. I just securely attach the board to the robot and then testing my robot move on different terrains.After this test, I can not connect ST-Link (fail.txt file appeared) and my board did no...
Hello I m trying to figure out how to configure the CCR bit field in I2C_CCR register in STM32F407 in the reference manual RM0090 it says check the datasheet for the definitions of "tr(SCL) + tw(SCLH)." but I couldn't find them on the datasheet. On ...
please explain me how to configure break function for timer pwm channel.provide mxcube settings and programming also