User Activity

The "whole question in the title" problem seems to have largely gone away, but now we get the opposite - unhelpfully short titles!Only today:So perhaps the 'Posting Tips' need an update ?
eg, does the v1.15.0 thread still need to be 'pinned' now that v1.15.1 is there?樂  
There have been several threads lately where the posters have seemed completely unaware of what a "solder bridge" is, and how to use it. Example: P...
Sometimes (often ☹️ ), the OP disappears without marking a solution - even when it is obvious that a solution was found.In this case, I sometimes see that ST Staff will mark the solution.This seems fine to me, but I  think it would be good to disting...
It seems that, if an error occurs on the last (or only) byte of a HAL_UART_Receive_IT transfer, the HAL_UART_ErrorCallback will not be called until after the HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback - is that right?STM32F0 Cube package.