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I want to use input capture mode in my stm32l432kc nucleo-32 board to measure the length of a signal from a sensor of mine. I have set it up the following way:int main(void) { // ... MX_USART2_UART_Init(); MX_TIM16_Init(); HAL_TIM_IC_Start_IT...
I am unable to find documentation on the different registers for hardware. I see registers like `TIM2->CCR1` mentioned everywhere, but I can not seem to find docs for it.Does someone have an idea where I can find the documentation for registers and f...
I am using an stm32 timer calculator ( ) to get the settings for a 20ms timer and got the following values: which I set for my TIM16 timer.I am using the following code:v...
I want tim16 to, every 1 second, start tim15 which is a oneshot timer which then does something when the period elapsed.I start tim16 in my main function, which works correctly, but the tim15 interrupt only triggers once, so my output looks like this...
I recently started getting the following error when trying to program my nucleo-32 L432KC board:   Error in final launch sequence: Failed to execute MI command: target remote localhost:61234 Error message from debugger back end: localhost:61234: Co...
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