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about PC14,PC15

I use STM32F030C8T6 recently, and uses GPIOC14,GPIOC15 as input(include interrupt,to wake up STOP MODE); Before IAP,program running correct,GPIO14 and GPIO15 wake up the program correctly. But when I use IAP to download the program,and jump to run it...

L9961 G071RB is dead ? how can I revive it ?

dear St:my L9961 seems dead :I can not drag new file to g071RB, it shows that the space is not enough; also a new file Fail.txt showd up: ”The interface firmware failed to reset/halt the target MCU”; How can I revive my MCU ? 

jingbos by Associate II
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Resolved! Error in Final Launch Sequence

I am trying to upload the code to my target STM32F407 but below error is showing up. I tried some of suggestions but problem is still there. I am using Version: 1.15.1.   Debug log file also attached. 1) Doing Mass Erase of flash,2) Updating ST Link ...

Nico3 by Senior
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CubeMX: Cannot disable Systick INT

Posted on April 13, 2014 at 13:46Hello! When using CubeMX and going to Configuration and System --> NVIC ''System tick timer'' Interrupt is enabled. When I disable it, click apply and ok and then open NVIC dialog again it's enabled instead of disabl...