STM32 MCUs products

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New possibilities for the ultra-low power segment!

STM32U0 is the first Cortex-M0+ with a static consumption of only 160 nA in standby mode with RTC (Real-Time Clock) and 16 nA in shutdown. It also achieves 118 points in CoreMark and targets SESIP level 3 and PSA level 1 focusing on firmware code pro...


Resolved! STM32U5A5: USB HS without XTAL oscillator - WORKS

Struggling to get my own STM32U5A5 board working... the USB HS PHY was not working, until... (see below).I was confused also with this thread: told me actually as well:...

Resolved! STM32C011J4M6 conflict on pin

Hello everyone,I have a question about the STM32C011J4M6 in S08N package.I am developping a PCB with this MCU and want to use an LSE like in the picture below.Then I also want to program and debug my MCU with an stlinkv3 and will use the SWD debug so...

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Pierre75 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 GPIO pin small output voltage

Hi,I am switching PB12 on/off with 1 second delay on STM32F030C8T6. Measuring with the multimeter, the HIGH state is only 0.2 volts, even though Vdd is 3.3V. I have turned off all things that could be drawing too much power from the MCU. Other pins o...

JS8 by Senior
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Timer 1 output pin not performing PWM

I have defined PE9 as belonging to Timer 1;I setup timer 1 as PWM as shown above.When I enable the timer, nothing happens at PE9.I tried setting force  high; no changeWhen I define PE9 as standard output forced high, it goes high.  So I know that the...

Leroy3 by Associate II
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Why led isn't blinking when i press the button?

I am tring to write a code for stm32f401cb which will blink the led when i press the led and when i leave pressing the button,it will turn out the led.I have set channel ahb1 which connects to port a and b in my microprocessor f401cb and i chose inpu...

hold button.PNG

How to start PWM using the registers.

What am I doing wrong?Why is PWM don't work on the STM32F767ZI? RCC->APB2ENR |= 1; // Enable clock for TIM1 on APB2. RCC->AHB1ENR |= RCC_AHB1ENR_GPIOEEN; // Enable clock for GPIOE port on AHB1. GPIOE->MODER &= ~(1 << 18); // Clear/reset PE9 mode. GP...

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DK.7 by Senior
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About H563 IAP

Used nucleo-h563zi board.Below is bootloader jump.Below is app. question:I first download app through CubeIde,this code is run success,and every function is OK.But i reset this board,the code will enter NMI interrupt. 

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Sunwaz by Associate III
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