User Activity

Hello,I'm facing a very annoying issue in CubeIDE.Board: Nucleo-F412ZH.The project uses TIM1 Channel4 to genrate a Stream of PWM pulses to drive a WS2812B LED strip using DMA.It also uses TIM9 to generate the systick.With this configuration, the MCU ...
Hello,I've found an issue in STM32CubeIDE1.17.0.When creating a project with USB Device used as a CDC Class and FreeRTOS an include is missing in app_freertos.c:#include "usb_device.h"The project runs properly, but a warning is issued at compile time...
Hello,I'm facing a very strange issue with timer PWM in DMA mode.I use the PWM channel to send step pulses to a stepping motor in order to free the mcu while the motor is moving, rather than using time consuming delays.The issue raises when I change ...
Hello,I am facing a small but very boring issue with the Resume (F8) button of the top tool bar.This button is active when it should not be, while download is in progress and if you click on it, the download fails.This behavior is systematic.Randomly...
Hello,A project generated using FreeRTOS CMSIS V1 compiles and works, but the same project using CMSIS V2 does not compile.freertos_mpool.h is missing while it is present in projects using the F4 family.It looks that this old issue has been solved fo...
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