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Resolved! STM32G4 using HAL Lib to read eeprom, when wirte to eeprom many times, the SYSTICK's tick variable will be changed randomly

hi,for our project,we used firmware package was STM32CubeG4 Firmware Package V1.6.0 / 05-June-2024.IDE: MDK 5.39MCU: STM32G473MET6 EEPROM: 24LC256we already check the page write opreation, ensure the boundaries and size of each write (less than or eq...

mas666 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32U5G9 - I2C1 not working

# OverviewI'm trying to add I2C1 in "controller mode" to an existing STM32U5G9 project, but am struggling to get it working.I am setting up the peripheral using HAL/LL calls and not relying on CubeMX setup.# What I'm SeeingThe goal is to have PG13 = ...

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ttnickb by Associate III
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Current drift in STM32U5

Hello,We are using an STM32U585RIT6 and doing some power measurement. What we are seeing is that the current drops to within the expected range when we put the MCU to sleep, but the current changes over time.Basically:Go into stop mode 2Current measu...

SysTick and clock configuration

Hi to all,I have a problem with clock and systick configuration.I am using an STM32F303CBT MCU and STMCubeIDE.At present my program realize a blinking led, but if I do not activate SysTick after a randon mumber of blinking the led stuck on or off ind...

GNU Tools For STM32 pre-compiled toolchain

Can someone  kindly provide instructions on  how to generate the tool chain here: can't get it to workAlternatively can I get the precompiled toolchain for 11.3 rel. 1? ThanksTi...

Call `HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode` in `HAL_Delay`?

Some parts of my application are driven by the SysTick timer, and I got into the practice of adding `HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_MAINREGULATOR_ON, PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI)` while polling a flag, knowing that the SysTick interrupt will wake the microcontrolle...