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Hi i am using STM32H753z, now i am trying to access SD card  but i getting  some error in stm32h7xx_hal_sd.c file of static uint32_t SD_PowerON(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd)  API,s  in this /* SEND CMD55 APP_CMD with RCA as 0 */ errorstate = SDMMC_CmdAppCo...
Hi,   i go to start SDMMC1 in STM32H753z, is any sample code? can please provide.   in SDMMC i need to use FATFS APIs or SDMMC APIs ? i am confusing please help me.   when i debug the below code i am can n't access it stop at f_mount() starting only....
Hi    i am receive data using UART 4 and transfer same data back like loopback but data is mismatch.  same process in stm32f207 is working,    #include "main.h" UART_HandleTypeDef huart4; void SystemClock_Config(void); static void MX_GPIO_Init(vo...
Hi     i am configuration UART1 as default and Tx pin switching into GPIO then  reset (Low) the GPIO for 28 micro sec(delay)  and set(high) the GPIO then again switching to UART1. during switching waveform level  is intermediate as show in below. (my...