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Stm32l072KZ Firmware Update

Hello everyone, I have a stm32l072 microcontroller and an NB exs82 module connected via LPUART. And I'm trying to read a new .HEX firmware that is stored in the NB module's FFS and then make the microcontroller receive the packages that contain the r...

Captura de Tela (101).png Captura de Tela (102).png
Wave by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L431 CAN BOOTLOADER on PA11-12

I use alternatives CAN pins PA11&PA12, based on spec standard CAN pins to use CAN bootloader are PB8-9. Is it possible to use PA11-12 to enter CAN bootloader or NOT? so far it does not work.

Sirk77 by Associate II
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ADC Interrupt Callback

I am using multiple channel and multiple ADC's and I am trying to use the Interrupt method ,My first doubt was lets say we are using End Of Sequence Conversion flag So, the interrupt will be triggered when all conversion will be complete then how we ...

Tushar_4 by Associate II
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Resolved! USB PD in STM32L562

Hi Team, I need to build USB PD program on ST32L562, The voltage they are expecting is up to 45V. How to do this?RegardsNithin

NITHIN by Associate III
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SPI communication

I used STM32F407VGT6, software-driven SPI, and analyzed with a logic analyzer, and the unpacking corresponded to the program, but there is no signal for this module, that is, it has a problem

STM32L1 HardFault after wakeup from sleep mode + fix

I would like to share a bug I encountered and how to fix it:I am using an STM32L151, the goal is to set it into SLEEP mode and wake it up using a UART receive interrupt while debugging. All configurations to pins, registers and interrupts are made co...

makas005 by Associate II
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