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Forum Posts

Resolved! required flash wait states for stm32u575

Where does one find documentation on the required flash wait states for stm32u575 running at a specific frequency and voltage range?In these forums and on the internet I find a number of tables but they all seem to be for other products.  I've search...

ShawnP by Associate III
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General info on Clock and Timers

Hi!I am new to Microcontrollers so the question could be not really exciting but I think it could help me to understand how clock and timers work.  I want to toggle the LD2 every 1 sec through a TIMER. I have set up the SysClock at 2MHz and a TIMER r...

Gatsby by Associate
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Resolved! STM32L476 USB Hardware for custom application

Hi ST,Using the STM32L476 for a custom battery-operated application, on trying to implement the USB 2.0 through a type C receptable, I need clarity on the connections of the USB.AFAIK the VBUS sensing on PA9 should be connected through a resistor div...

Making an STM32 last at 150°C?

Are there any guides or tips on making an STM32 MCU last in a high temperature (~150°C) environment? Specific voltage or clock speed tweaks?The MCU would sleep most of the time, but now and then take and store some measurements.Would certain families...

StefanH by Associate III
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How to use ETM on-chip

Hello,I'm trying to record the execution trace of my firmware running on a STM32H753. For this I'm using the ETM functionality of Cortex M7. I don't want to use external tools but rather to use the ETF (Embedded Trace FIFO) that can be accessed direc...

Gpeti by Senior II
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