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I am using STM32F100. I wrote a very long code for my timer interrupt. If the processing time of this code exceeds the interrupt duration, can a pin I SET be RESET?
"Where can I buy the STM32F100C6T6B and STM32F030C6T6 MCUs, or MCUs with the same pin structure, at an affordable price?"
   uint32_t currentTime1 = HAL_GetTick(); // Her 1000 ms'de bir işlem yap if (currentTime1 - lastTime >= 500) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_14); // LED'i toggla lastTime = curren...
 void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin) { if (GPIO_Pin == GPIO_PIN_1) { uint32_t current_time = HAL_GetTick(); if ((current_time - last_interrupt_time) > 500) { last_interrupt_time = current_t...
Friends, which algorithm do you use to control the LEDs in this structure? I need your ideas. I have prepared a table of the LEDs' turn on order.