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Forum Posts

how to implement Sleep mode

I am using a STM32L431KCU6 microcontroller and reading data from I2C every 90ms. I would like to implement a sleep mode to achieve lower power consumption, I am using timer6 which generates an interrupt every1ms for system run time. I was thinking I ...

msingh08 by Associate II
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I am trying to use DMA with PWM data on STM32 I need clarification on few parameters setting and facing few issues.Q1. While configuring DMA for PWM data in tha CUBE MX, there is a option for increment Address and selector for Peripheral or Memory.Wh...

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skuma.8 by Associate III
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Hard Reset STM32

Hi i want to hard reset my MCU once after 5 minutes is there any way to implement it i know i can do this  by NVIC_SystemReset(); but i just want to do it once after power on the mcu 

STM32F777VIT6 VBAT Monitoring

Hi there,We use a STM32F777VIT6 in our application.We tried to use the internal ADC to monitor the voltage of the backup battery.In principle, this works, but we noticed two effects that we cannot explain.The data sheet for the STM32F7 states that VB...


Ethernet SW Reset Timeout

I have a custom designed board using a STM32F429IET6 and LAN8742A.While attempting to bring-up ethernet and LWIP (fails w/o LWIP at the same spot) the code continuously fails in stm32f4xx_hal_eth.c in `HAL_ETH_Init` while waiting for the SW reset to ...

CLake.2 by Associate II
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PWM generation exact number of pulses

We are generating PWM using the STM32F429 TIM10 -- In this call-back function we counting the PWM pulses and , when counting pulse is equal to the total pulse then stop the PWM.But in this code counter are counting the properly counting the pulses bu...