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H747I-Disco Examples combination issue

hello forumI'm trying to use two examples at once, I'm looking for a script to save an image on an SD card as Jpegthe examples are:BSPJPEG_EncodingUsingFs_DMAI'm trying to import the JPEG_Encoding example into the BSP one,While doing so, the compiler...

Resolved! STM32F446VET7 HardFault_Handler

HelloI design a PCB and I am using STM32F446VET7When I try to debug in competely clear project (created from STM32Cube IDE - Cube mx)I got the void HardFault_Handler(void) function after  SystemClock_Config();. With HSE or HSI dosent matter I got the...


STM32 startup fails at HAL_RCC_ClockConfig

Hi, I have designed the custom board for STM32L073 series. Initially i have tested the code/firmware in Nucleo board of same part number, and we have designed the board keeping nucleo board schematic as reference. The code works fine in Nucleo board,...

Faizan75 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H753ZIT6 ADC calibration DMA

Hi,I have setup the ADC in STM32H753ZIT6 to sample 4 channels with DMA in circular mode. This works as expected and I can check the values being updated in the "Live Expressions" tab.But there is an offset, which I can only get rid of, if I perform t...

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tyassin by Associate III
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SPI communication between two STM3 boards

Hi All,Hope you are doing well.I am working on SPI communication between two STM32 boards (F7 as master and WB55 as slave), but I am encountering issues with reliable data transfer.The problem arises with the transfer of 2-byte data packets. Initiall...

Pluto7 by Associate II
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Query on STM32G473CEU3

Hi,We are using STM32G473CEU3 in our designWe have a situation that when MCU is powered off, 3.3V appears on one of the IO pins from an external circuit with 2mA of sourcing. Will this damage the MCU or is it ok?

PY.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L071 and ADC channel 5 and 6 rank

Hello, I have configure ADC to use channel 5 and 6 but I am not understanding what I am doing wrong to get readings from the two channels. Here is my code:void adcConvertionFinish(ADC_HandleTypeDef* handle); static ADC_HandleTypeDef g_adc; static co...

teobarbs by Associate
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