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Reset after firmware upgrade

Posted on January 23, 2014 at 12:00I have used the STM32 USB-FS-Device development kit examples to implement the custom HID and the DFU. It all works OK and I can upgrade the custom HID application from the DFU application using DfuSeDemo.  The prob...

lee by Associate II
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Problems with ADC data

Hello,We are uing STM32F303RBT6 controller to read the current parameters of stepper motors.So, 7ADC1 ADC channels are used, which are read through DMA1 Channel1 . InitADC() driver initialization is succesfull, StartADC() conversion is called once ev...

Read data in device sent by host over USB HID

In an STM32CubeIDE USB HID project for an STM32F103C8 board I can send data from the device to the host using the USBD_HID_SendReport() function, like so:USBD_HID_SendReport(&hUsbDeviceFS, (uint8_t*)&hid_report,sizeof(hid_report));How can I read data...

Resolved! stm32h747I-disco sdram cas

 I'm using STM32H747i-DISCO board. In Stm32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.2 STM32H747I-DISCO example project -- stm32h747i_discovery_sdram.c, cas is 3. SDRAM worked fine with this setting. It didn't work when I changed cas to 2. Datasheet of Is42s32800G-6BLI shows...

GanZ by Associate II
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Unable to connect STM32F4DISC

Hello thereJust tried connecting my STM32F4DISCOVERY board to my PC. It appears that the underlying operating system recognizes the driver/device correctly. I've tried this on both Windows 10 and Linux and this seems to be the case on both.Here is pa...

Resolved! Reset CM7 Core from CM4 core

Hello. I have a STM32H747XI project. This MCU has both CM4 and CM7 cores. I can reset both of them, when I use NVIC_SystemReset() function. How can I reset only CM7 core from CM4 core?

Gökhan by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L011 bootloader cannot read SRAM

I have an STM32L011 on a board I am developing.I can enter the bootloader no problem, as per AN2606/AN3155.  I am using USART2, 57600 baud.I can program FLASH/erase FLASH/read FLASH - all works as expected.I note that the bootloader reserves 2048byte...