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DMA-ADC timed by Tim6

i m using an stm 32 microcontroller to read adc channel, this is my approch: discontinuous DMA requests in Normal Mode and single conversion adc for multiple channels, i want the adc channels to be read 20 times in a row, with a frequency of 1Khz usi...

stm32f103cbt6 spi enable cause spi in slave mode

I made a board with spi1 connect a lora module, and the nss pin, I just want to use soft control. But I found that before I enable spi1, the SPI CR1 and CR2 register value as: (gdb) x/2wx 0x40013000 0x40013000: 0x00000024 0x00000040 but afte...

Generating a sine wave using STM32G4

I'm a beginner with STM32 and I'm trying to generate a sine waveform using a STM32G4 through the NUCLEO-G431KB board to be exact. I've been looking through tutorials on how to generate a waveform using a STM32G4 board, particularly this tutorial but ...

JMend.4 by Associate
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STM32H7R3Z8T6 configure FMC to enable nand flash errors

I use STM32CubeMX(ver 6.12.0) to configure STM32H7R3Z8T6, when i try to enable FMC to control nand flash, it suggest "NAND Flash 1 is not fully configured. Please enable addresses and data in the Mode section." as followingsomeone please help!!  

avchd by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F4 Discovery HSE issue

Hi,I am new user of ST Microcontrollers. I am using STM32F4 Discovery board.Till now its default HSI oscillator I was using, now I am going to use the HSE clock of this.STM32F4 Discovery board have 8 MHz crystal, which is connected to the microcontro...

A_H by Associate II
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