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Forum Posts

Independent Watchdog Freezing in debug mode

Hello everyone,I have to freeze watchdog during debug mode because it geneates problems (the same old story).I tried to use __HAL_DBGMCU_FREEZE_IWDG(); before main loop, but this is not the right solution.Have some tips?Best regardsPS: I use an STM32...

Hi. I am using stm32f429 board I am trying to read an analog signal from adc with timer. The sampling time should be 2us. But no matter how much I try, I could not do it. Please at least give me an idea about how to do it.

My first goal is to reach the sampling time of 2us. I am using timer2 as interrupt to read an analog signal from AN0 and to measure the adc sampling time, I am toggling a led every time I read a value in the callback interrupt and checking the toggle...

MKara.17 by Associate II
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Why chaining TIM5 to TIM3 fail ?

I'm using a STM32L486RG and i try to chain TIM5 to TIM3 and it fail (TIM3->CNT doesn't increment). The other chaining combinations work correctly. Here is my test code:#include <assert.h> #include <stdbool.h>   #include "stm32l4xx.h"   #define TIM_MA...

nicolas by Senior
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SD(FATFS) cannot work with STemwin

Posted on April 29, 2017 at 07:40Hi , all:I use STM32CubeMx to generate MDK V5 project for my stm32f746g-discovery board.I found I can't use the SD  with FATFS after add STemwin Lib to my project , but it works fine only if  i just use SD and  LTDC ...

How ADC integral linearity error is calculated?

From STM32F373xx datasheet, SAR ADC characteristics, page 99/137, for Vdda = 3V, i can see thatED - Differential linearity error is max +/-1 LSBEL - Integral linearity error is max +/-1.5 LSBBut in SDADC characteristics, page 111/137, the difference ...

Timers out of sync 32F746GDISCOVERY ?

Hello,i found a strange behavior having 2 timers running.My initial intention was having 4 input captures on the 32F746GDISCOVERY spread over two timers (no timer with 4 pins connected to the Arduino Header) one running as master and triggering the s...
