User Activity

Hello,We noticed different behavior between J-Trace and I-Jet.We use both with IAR.It started on trying to trace code with stm32h743 eval board. we purchased j-trace for this issue, but it failed to trace code. Trying to do the same with I-Jet it suc...
Hello,Is there anyone who worked with TRACE ? I use j-trace with stm32h743 and IAR.On testing the trace with SEGGER cortex-m reference board (stm32h7407, which comes with the j-trace product) and IAR, the functionality works great.I then moved to stm...
Hi,With H7 the mapping is simple, we can use multiple streams at the same time, one channel per stream.But with L4 , it seems to be more complex, especially usage of "channel" terminology:For L4, Is it that we can use multiple channels ? Thanks,ranra...
Hello,I worked till now with H7 (stm32h743) and UARTs and had no issues at all.But recently I needed to port the project to L4 (stm32L496).For some reason UART now behaves differently:With polling there is no issue, but with interrupt or dma:As long ...
Hello,Is it that application can only run from ITCM ? When I try to run from other SRAM such as SRAM1, it get into MEM IRQ handler.Another issue is that on running from ITCM the HAL_Delay is much faster compared with running from internal flash (Xip...
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