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The "MX_RTC_Init" function called by default from the main.c resets the RTC's date and time to zero values (by default) or to some other predefined constant values.The standard practice is to set a bit in one of the backup registers after setting the...
I'm using STM32CubeMX 5.2.0 to generate a project for an STM32L0x1 device.In the code generator settings everything is selected as LL (no HAL).Nevertheless, Cube generates the selected PVD (SYS -> Power Voltage Detector In) configuration (and the int...
I couldn't find any discussions here about this newly released tool, so I'm creating one.Here is the link - STM32CubeIDE
From RM0377:6.3.3 - Peripheral clock gating......Disabling the peripherals clocks in Sleep mode can be performed automatically by resetting the corresponding bit in RCC_AHBLPENR and RCC_APBxLPENR registers (x can 1 or 2).I can't find the definitions ...
Sometimes I'm getting a I2C_EV interrupt called and none of the possible flags which can cause an interrupt are set. Only flags that are set are BUSY and TXE (ISR is 0x00008001), both of which shouldn't cause an interrupt.void I2C1_EV_IRQHandler(void...