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Forum Posts

SPI frame longer than 16 bits with stm32f103

Hi,I need to perform write and read operations on an external flash memory through spi protocol.The spi peripheral in the stm32f103 can be configured to 8 or 16 bits data frame lenght. I would like to be able to send longer frames. Is it a possible s...

abcdef by Associate
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Hardfault on IAP jump to APP

Hi guys,I have use the stm32f105 to do a job on the IAP jump tp APP, and normally it works fine, but latest day, I have to disable the USB code on the APP code, then use the flash download demonstrator to download the APP, it runs OK, and then re-pow...

cable gu by Associate II
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SW4STM32 variables for AC6 version of openocd

I've run SW4STM32 for the last 2 years with an external openocd package but I see that the AC6 version has recently been updated so I thought I'd try it. It gets stored in ~/.p2/pool/plugins/fr.ac6.mcu.externaltools.openocd.linux64_1.21.0.20181113124...

STM32F407 USB FS Device mode Programing

Hi. I am using STM32F407 discovery board programed in USB FS mode. The driver used is WINUSB. mY os IS WINDOWS 10. I am using USF FS configured as ENDP1 OUT and ENDP1 IN. Both in bulk mode. I was managed to successfully enumerated with PC an...

CAN TX ERRORS ??? please help

Hellofollowing the CAN lectures I have a real strange problem transmitting can messageI have two can nodes 1) nucleo 446re board and node 2) is my Can Bus AnalyserI even get the same TX errors in loop back mode & Can normal mode ????why ?? what is wr...

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JHERI by Senior
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BOOT0 behavior

Hello!i would like to understand what happens to BOOT0 during the run of regular program (not bootloader).What will happen if i set it to '1' or reset it to '0' during the run?​

YuriCh by Associate II
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stm32f469 PWN not output NState ?

My project needs to output PWM NState, My code is as follows, but no PWM signal output has been detected by the oscilloscope measurement. How can I solve this problem? #define MOTOR_DE_RCC_PERIPH RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOC #define MOTOR_DE_PORT...

ac.2 by Associate II
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