2019-01-03 12:30 PM
Till now, I've debuged my application on internal flash with stm32h743 eval.
Now, I try to use external falsh.
But as I describe below both IAR debugging and stm32programmer fail with the external flash using the stm32cubeh7 example and the eval board.
1. I changed the following code:
-SCB->VTOR = 0x08000000
+SCB->VTOR = 0x60000000
and also changed in .icf file.
But on pressing "download and debug", there is no stopping in main breakpoint. Nothing happens.
2. I then checked in IAR -> debugger -> download
The "override default .board file" was not checked, so I checked the box.
($TOOLKIT_DIR$\config\flashloader\ST\FlashSTM32H753xI.board )
Note that on checking the contents of FlashSTM32H753xI it shows 2 banks of 0x08000000 (which is the internal flash, not the external !)
Then, on pressing "download and debug" nothing happens and I don't see it stopped in main() breakpoint.
3. The next thing I tried is to use stm32programmer
I build for .out file, I then chose the correct external flash "M29W128GL_STM32H743I-EVAL", I erased the full chip , created .bin file, but on doing download it to 0x6000000 with vierfy.
Seems that erase and download is done without errors, but verification fails:
14:31:55:587 : Memory Programming ...
14:31:55:587 : Opening and parsing file: C:\projects\mcu\software\en.stm32cubeh7\STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.3.0\Projects\proj\RHS\oper\EWARM\STM32H743_EVAL\Exe\Project.bin
14:31:55:588 : File : C:\projects\mcu\software\en.stm32cubeh7\STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.3.0\Projects\proj\RHS\oper\EWARM\STM32H743_EVAL\Exe\Project.bin
14:31:55:588 : Size : 130031 Bytes
14:31:55:588 : Address : 0x60000000
14:31:55:588 : Erasing Segment <0> Address <0x60000000> Size <130031>Bytes
14:31:55:588 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:
14:31:55:589 : Memory erase...
14:31:58:219 : run ap 0
14:31:58:220 : halt ap 0
14:31:58:220 : r ap 0 reg 0 0x00000001
14:31:58:228 : r ap 0 @0x60000000 0x00000400 bytes
14:31:58:228 : Error: Verification issue at address 0x60000000 (byte = 0xFF)
14:31:58:228 : Error: Download verification failed
Note that although the readme says to flash ""M29W128GL_STM32H743I-EVAL", in the EVAL guide it shows in schematic PC8F128M29EWLA.
As you can see in the log, the verification failed.
Note that erasing external full chip is successful.
Thank you,
2019-01-03 12:59 PM
Will have to check the part# and performance in Keil later. I wouldn't expect read/write of external NOR to be very fast at all. If you have a lot of data the download-debug will drag quite significantly.
2019-01-03 1:25 PM
You don't have to put everything in external memory. The vector table and interrupt handlers can very well stay in the internal flash, together with your bootstrap code. It will be more robust and reliable this way.
-- pa
2019-01-03 10:34 PM
Thanks all for the comments,
But I still not sure:
2019-01-06 9:38 AM
Mine has an Intel variant placed
Keil has a loader M29W128GL_STM32H743I-EVAL 16MB (128Mb), which I expect is compatible/equivalent
2019-01-06 11:30 AM
-- pa
2019-01-07 2:48 AM
Hello Clive,
Do you use H743eval ?
If yes - How did you find out what exist in your eval board ? Isn't it what in eval guide pdf ? It shows there MT28EW128ABA1LP , so how can you have somthing else ?
Does it work in your side , i.e. can you debug and program the external flash ?
Thank you,
2019-01-07 3:06 AM
Yes, I have an STM32H743I-EVAL board.
I, read the part# from the top of the device.
I don't currently have a project using the external NOR, I might try when it is convenient.
2019-01-07 3:20 AM
Thank you very much .
2019-01-07 7:27 AM
Keil downloaded and verified 1MB of data placed in NOR, had to increase RAM setting for flash algorithms to accommodate loader+data