2018-09-18 4:59 AM
after updating STM32CubeMX 4.27.0 with package 1.13.0 for STM32L4 I have a problem with SPI communication. I've replaced the file stm32l4xx_hal_spi.c with the old from 1.12.0 and it works.
Can you check if there is any bug in stm32l4xx_hal_spi.c in v1.13.0?
Thank you!
2018-09-18 6:16 AM
Can you please provide the exact error: localize where the code hangs/stop and the kind of message gives.
If possible, share your ioc file for check this case and identify what is going wrong.
Kind Regards,
2018-09-18 1:47 PM
I think my problem is the function HAL_SPI_Abort() in the following line:
Code in v1.12 works correct:
/* Disable the SPI DMA Tx or SPI DMA Rx request if enabled */
if ((HAL_IS_BIT_SET(hspi->Instance->CR2, SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN)) || (HAL_IS_BIT_SET(hspi->Instance->CR2, SPI_CR2_RXDMAEN)))
Code in v1.13 works not correct:
/* Disable the SPI DMA Tx or SPI DMA Rx request if enabled */
I use SPI only in TX or RX mode so I think this change in the new firmware could cause a different behaviour? Can you check this?
Thank you in advance!
2018-10-23 12:38 PM
I am having a similar issue. With HAL V1.12 SPI communication with a SX1272 works fine, but after upgrading to v1.13 I am getting bogus data from the device.
if(HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(&hspi1, message_tx, message_rx, 2, 5000) == HAL_OK) {}
With v1.12 I am getting the correct value (0x22) from the SX1272 version register. On v1.13 I am getting 0x11 which is wrong.
2018-10-23 4:08 PM
seems to be a bitshift of 1 bit in your case (0x22 >> 1 = 0x11). Perhaps one bit from previous transmission could be in SPI bitshift buffer yet, so successive characters will be mixed.
I've compared the file stm32l4xx_hal_spi.c from v1.13 with the file from v1.12 and discovered a lot of changes, probably for supporting also the new STM32L4+ series with this package.
In my case there is a bug in function HAL_SPI_Abort definitely (function not executed in SPI receive only mode) and I solved the problem with exchanging the stm32l4xx_hal_spi.c with the old from 1.12 manually in Drivers subdirectory.
Maybe that there are further problems existing. I'm hopeful waiting for a new v1.14 now...
2019-01-08 12:24 AM
We confirm the problem with HAL_SPI_Abort during SPI communication in TX or RX only mode.
This issue will be fixed in the coming version of STM32CubeL4 firmware package.
Thanks and Best Regards,